5 Month Old Has A Dry Cough My Baby Is 5 Month And 15 Days Old.last Five Days He Started Dry Cough And Sneezing,but Not Cold And Fever.?
My baby is 5 month and 15 days old.last five days he started dry cough and sneezing,but not cold and fever.? - 5 month old has a dry cough
it is difficult sleeping.what of couse this.and is let me know how I can get relief
do not worry
develping is probably an early sign of cold.
if you really worried go to the doctor.
in making sure its not worry:)
Doctors prescribe drugs for children
Thew following night, wrap your baby warm with hot milk
You have your baby yet his recordings? Which could be relocated, why?
dont worry be happy
I hope your baby gets better soon x
He needs to visit a dentist.
I would like to see a doctor or hospital, it is still blowing?
Take him to the doctor or hospital that does not matter not just what is the cause, but if a child is ill, poor, no matter if he has no fever, for help before it is too fever
Take him to the doctor or hospital that does not matter not just what is the cause, but if a child is ill, poor, no matter if he has no fever, for help before it is too fever
Hmmm. Perhaps only a slight cough or allergies cause. You may wish to consult a doctor if they worsen.
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